
  • 作者:小编
  • 生活
  • 时间:2023-08-09 08:39:25
  • 1人已阅读




Microphone Controller,




1.截短词(clipped word)截短词又可细分为截除词尾(apocope),截除词首(aphaeresis),截除首尾(front and back clipping),截除词腰(syncope)

2.首字母缩略词(initiali *** )




我刚开始出国留学的时候,外国同学给我发消息都是这些:Ta. Pal. BYOB. Alright?



1、Alright? = Hello. How are you?

2、Hiya or Hey up = These informal greetings both mean Hello and are especially popular in the north of England.

3、What about ye? = This is popular in Northern Ireland and is another way of saying 'How are you?’

4、Howay = let's go or come on. This is popular in the north east of England.

5、Ta = Thank you

6、Cheers = This is usually said as a toast when you raise your glasses to celebrate, but it also means 'Thank you.

7、See you = Goodbye and see you soon.

8、Bairn = Baby or young child. This word is especially popular in Scotland and the north east of England.

9、Lad= Boy

10、Lass or Lassie = Girl.

11、Bloke or Chap = Man

12、Mate or Pal = Friend

13、Me old mucker or Chum = These both mean friend too. They are more old-fashioned
now, but you may still hear people use them in a light-hearted way.

14、Mum, Mummy, Ma or Mam = Mother

15、Dad or Daddy = Father

16、Our kid = This means my brother or my sister. It's especially popular in the northwest and midlands of England.

17、Gran, Nan or Granny = Grandmother

18、Do, Bash or Get-together= Party

19、Knees up = This is a more old-fashioned term for a party. People may use this in a light­ hearted way.

20、BYOB = Bring your own bottle. In the UK, it is common for the party host to ask quests to bring their own drinks. You might see BYOB written on the invitation.

21、Mosh-pit = At a rock concert, this is the area at the front of the stage where the most enthusiastic dancers gather to jump around.

22、Dance-off = That magical moment when people on the dance floor compete to see who is the best dancer!


23、lt's your round= In a Uk cafe or pub, it is common for *** all groups of friends to take it in turns to buy a round of drinks for everyone at the table. In a large group this may not be.

24、practical = people may decide to buy their own or split into *** aller rounds. If you don't want to take part or you can't afford to, it is perfectly acceptable to say so and buy your own.

25、Fancy = To find someone attractive, e.g. 'He just *** iled. I think he fancies you'

26、Ask out = To ask someone if they want to go on a date, e.g. 'He asked me out! We're going to the cinema this Friday.'



  1. covidiot:COVID-19 + idiot 新冠 ***

2. zumped: Zoom + dumped 视频分手


3. maskhole: mask + asshole 口罩 ***


那些拒绝戴口罩的 *** 。

4. quarantinini: quarantine + Martini 隔离鸡尾酒


5. loxit: lockdown + exit 解封

Let's pray for a global loxit.

上一篇:英语作文《a trip to chongqing》120词?

